Normally I post about new system on chip technology, source code, or scripts that I have written. This post doesn’t follow the same theme, however; I will discuss some of the technology used during my adventures in teaching a STEM class. Setting the Stage Years ago when I was attending college, I tutored programming students in a […]

I recently decided to take some time to learn about the new features in C++11 while working on a project at home. C++11 has added some really nice features such as native thread support, regular expressions, safe pointer types, and variadic templates. While working on my project, I found myself needing a flexible class which […]

The reason most people love Linux is because of the ability to quickly prototype a system; due to the plethora of free software, command line tools, tool kits, and scripting languages available to choose from. Recently I was working on a script written in the Bourne Again SHell commonly known as (bash). The primary reason […]

Anyone who is interested in teaching their young children about computers and robotics should check out http://blog.minibloq.org . It’s really a clean looking project that allows kids to write arduino and other microcontroller code as easy as dropping widgets. In my humble opinion this is a million times better than ALICE. I hope to see […]
After several weeks of waiting my Cubieboard arrived. It was sandwiched in a numerous of layers of packing tape as if to prevent me from opening Pandora’s Box. After shedding the layers of tape and mounting the device into its acrylic case it was time to get down and dirty. The device didn’t come […]

The Cubieboard is one of a numerous low cost System On Chip devices to hit the market and at $49 dollars packs a punch. This device provides enough power to run full versions of popular Linux distributions and provides better performance. 1G ARM cortex-A8 processor, NEON, VFPv3, 256KB L2 cache Mali400, OpenGL ES GPU 512M/1GB DDR3 […]