
Building Boxie a Kiosk Robot

Written by on February 27, 2017 in Linux, Programming, Technology
Building Boxie a Kiosk Robot

  I should have probably posted this back in September, but I have been too busy with work. My wife is the Box Tops for Education coordinator at our kids’ school, and in the summer she came up with the idea of building a “Robot Mascot” to motivate the children. Her vision of a Box […]

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C++11 State Machines

Written by on February 8, 2016 in C and C++, Programming
C++11 State Machines

I recently decided to take some time to learn about the new features in C++11 while working on a project at home. C++11 has added some really nice features such as native thread support, regular expressions, safe pointer types, and variadic templates. While working on my project, I found myself needing a flexible class which […]

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Programming for Kids

Written by on April 21, 2013 in General, Programming, Technology
Programming for Kids

Anyone who is interested in teaching their young children about computers and robotics should check out . It’s really a clean looking project that allows kids to write arduino and other microcontroller code as easy as dropping widgets. In my humble opinion this is a million times better than ALICE. I hope to see […]

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