
GNU Getopt port for Unicode and Multibyte Microsoft Visual C projects

This software is a modification of the Free Software Foundation, Inc. getopt library for parsing command line arguments and its purpose is to provide a Microsoft Visual C friendly derivative. The source code provides functionality for both Unicode and Multibyte builds and supports getopt, getopt_long, and getopt_long_only. Additionally the code supports the POSIXLY_CORRECT environment flag. The library utilizes the standard Microsoft C TCHAR definition to toggle between char and wchar_t via the definition of the _UNICODE preprocessor directive. The following downloads are available:

Template VB Script with C++ style ADTs

This code is a bundle of useful VB Script functions and classes which are reusable and work without third party ActiveX dlls. The source provides a test function which demonstrates usage of the various objects. Here is a list of a few of the classes contained within the source:

  • std_logoninfo – Caching of logon groups for group membership validation
  • std_hostfile – Allows for easy hostfile querying and editing
  • std_registry – Allows for local and remote registry manipulation encapsulates all WMI
  • std_process – Allows for local and remote process manipulation encapsulates all WMI
  • std_service – Allows for local and remote service manipulation encapsulates all WMI
  • std_queue (for learning) – Classic queue data struxture
  • std_stack (for learning) – Classic stack data structure
  • std_deque (for learning) – Classic deque data structure
  • std_rb_tree (for learning) – Classic data structure provides O(log(n)) efficiency and can be used like C++ std::set or std::map
  • std_iterator (for learning) – Iterator for all std_queue, std_stack, std_deque, and std_set
  • std_fs_search – Unix style file system searcher allowing to search by regex, file atrributes, and types
  • std_logfile – Generic logging object allows for multiple types of log output similar to log4j
  • std_auto – Object which can store unknown types without using the set key word
  • rshift – Bitwise right shift
  • lshift – Bitwise left shift
  • ini_read – VB Script version of GetPrivateProfileString
  • ini_write – VB Script version of WritePrivateProfileString
  • strftime – C style date format function
  • ping – Ping host and get ping stats like ttl etc.
  • nslookup – Resolve ip’s to names.
  • and many other helper function

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eMail Generation Script

The purpose of this script is to allow testing email MTAs and security devices in either lab or public email scenarios. The script is completely command line driven and allows bulk sender lists.

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